Right Level of Abstraction
Presenting information is super critical because it can help provide visibility, direction, clarity and of-course decision making.
Too much information is noise.
Too little information leaves reader with too many unanswered questions.
Consider a passage from book, How to create a mind, which talks about level of abstraction

Usually depending on audience one needs to share / present information if it has to be effective.
if to a Non Technical audience you are sharing api or machine level instructions its noise
if to a Technical audience you are sharing one liner description , its shallow
Someone who is starting with ML , if you share him Math equations, he will run away
Often reports/tasks/ narratives depends on audience you are sharing information with. Should be centered around them
Further consider this another passage from same book. it talks about considerations when modeling systems. what level should one consider

When solving problems, if you are aware of key participants/components which affect the problem, then one is in better position to solve problem