6 Strategies by Claude Shannon to solve Design/Mathematical Problem
I was reading book, Mind at Play:Brilliant Life of Claude Shannon.
In one of chapters , Shannon talks about general framework that can be used to solve any kind of problem. I want to discuss about those techniques in this post

- Simplifying the Problem
First technique is to simplify the problem, remove noise, unwanted signals . Try to abstract the problem. Isolate the parameters which affects the problem. Try to see if you can connect to symptoms and causes for same
- If you are trying to apply Bayes Theorem, note down events and effects. Remove unwanted information,
- If trying to understand Turing Machine/FSA just think of computation models - think of them like black box, without worrying about implementation details or peripheral interfaces
2. Find similar problem which has been solved
In this technique, try to find similar problem like one which you are solving and see if solution can be applied in your context
example -
- If problem is due to excessive automation, and you are finding it difficult to control, you can look at Governor Pattern which has been used to effectively control speed of Steam Engines
3. Change Perspective. Find another point of view
Sometimes one cannot solve the problem when he/she is in eye of storm. It helps to step back.It helps to get an outsider perspective. Outsider doesn't have baggage and will able to provide new perspective.
Sometimes i have experienced that while explaining/discussing problem to someone else it, I myself am able to see the issue/gaps and can solve it immediately
Sometimes when I sleep on problem, i get a solution next day
4. Structural analysis of Problem
It always helps in all scenarios to break a problem into smaller problems which are easier to manage/solve
Functional programming provides good framework to solve problems using this technique
5. Invert the Problem
If none of above works, try to invert the problem. Start with solution and see how far you reach backwards.
Even Legendary Investor Warren Buffet talks about this technique.
6. Check solution works in all scenarios
Once you have identified solution to a problem, try multiple situations/contexts and see if solution still applies/holds good
Of Course All of these techniques should come naturally but then once you keep solving problems for some time, these things become intrinsic part of you. It’s just that you don’t express it. However Shannon has put these nicely into words which can be used as framework